Trying to create 2D pixel art lighting

I am trying to create a pixel art game with lighting kind of like this alt text

With points of light and a pattern of blocky but still fading away light radiating away.

So far what I have been able to do is create a Texture 2D that is the size of the screen fill it with 30% transparent black and then for each point of light replace the pixels on the texture with the pixels from my light texture (Which is just a clear circle with dark corners) The problem with this method is that if the corners of two light points meet they overlap like this alt text

I also tried the light Projectors but unfortunately those don’t work with transparency.

I only have one other idea but don’t know how to implement it…

Can you write per-pixel shaders for Unity and if so, how?

Also any other solutions to this problem would be great

Trying to figure out something similar, Legend of Dungeon posted an interesting article on the subject RobotLovesKitty

What you are really looking for probably is Sprite Lamp, but its currently under production

So can it be done? Yes. But you’ll have to figure out a slightly roundabout way at the moment.