Trying to damage every 1 second with OnTriggerStay2D()

Hi I’m trying to make a damagezone when hero is inside hero will get 1 damage every 1 second but when hero enters the damage zone first time it gets 2 damage after that it gets 1 how can I fix that

public Material white;
    Material original;
    float time = 0.8f;
    float gettime;
    bool hurt = false;
    void Start()
        original = GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().material;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (hurt) timer();

    private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy")

            if (!hurt)
                hurt = true;




    void timer()
        if (gettime >= 0)
            gettime -= Time.deltaTime;
            GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().material = white;

            gettime = time;
            hurt = false;
            GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().material = original;



İt works now but ı dont know why here is the code

public Material white;
    Material original;
    float time = 0.8f;
    float gettime=0;
    bool hurt = false;

    void Start()
        original = GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().material;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy")


                 gettime = time;




    void hitonwhite()
        if (gettime >= 0)
            gettime -= Time.deltaTime;
            GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().material = white;


            hurt = false;
            GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().material = original;



Every frame you are in the Stay() call, increment a float timer, when it reaches 1, reset it and deal the damage.

// code inside of Stay callback:
timer += Time.deltaTime;
// every second, deal some damage
if (timer >= 1)
  timer -= 1.0f;
  DealDamage( DamageAmount);
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