I'm trying to draw a GUI.Label() at an gameobjects position. I got the function I need, and I tested it out, and it works, but its not quite right. I'm using the standard (I believe) FPC for the character. The Script for the label is as follows:
var bins:GameObject[] = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("bin");
for (var bin:GameObject in bins)
/*find bin coordinates and make label*/
var p = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(bin.transform.position);
what happens is, as the camera moves, the x position of the label is fine, and where its suppose to be. however, the Y coordinate seems to go way off, just like if a pivot point for an object is off when you're rotating it. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
Ok I figured out what was going on. Apparently, the WorldToScreenPoint and WorldToViewportPoint functions return an integer(or float respectively) starting from 0,0 at the BOTTOM LEFT of the screen. Because of this, the y-value that I was getting was basicly flipped. So to solve the problem, I just had to subtract the value we got by the height to get the real coordinates. hopefully this helps any one else that was wondering :)