Trying to feel good on a mac...

Ahh a little step further into this direction as now i can listen to mods (still great when coding) and play with mame. Sadly there is no actual build of uae for the mac.

Anyway hurray! :O)



PS: Which Free Soundeditor can you recommend? As for effects i would be satisfied with simple ones like Fade-IN/OUT and Wave-Mixing and ogg support if possible.

You could try Audacity:

What’s UAE stand for?

What other functionality are you looking for on the Mac, here? I’m a regular Mac Software Encyclopedia, so ask away. :wink:


Hi aarku,

You could try Audacity:

Okay already downloaded it. I was unsure about it as mp3 encoding is still carbon…

What’s UAE stand for?

Ubiquitous Amiga Emulator or earlier Unusable Amiga Emulator.

What other functionality are you looking for on the Mac, here? I’m a regular Mac Software Encyclopedia, so ask away. :wink:

Thanks i will come back to this one!

Good night,


Try this for Amiga emulators. I think there are 3 to choose from.

Hi Dan,

yep i knew that already but they are versions behind the actual pc-build…

Thanks anyway,
