Trying to generate animation clips.

Hi I am making a tool that creates animation clips for certain predetermined animations. All share the same pattern of keyframes exactly the same. I managed to generate the keyframes and the clip no problem but somehow it doesn’t connect to the component it should animate. (in this case Is Active)


I am not sure what the difference between the yellow one that I generated and the black one which I used the Add Property to add is. The route seems to be the same as I generated it with the help of Animation Utility but maybe there is some linking that needed to be done and I didn’t catch.

This is the code that sets the animation curve.

AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve(keys);
clip.SetCurve(AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(frame.frame.transform, QuillObject.transform), typeof(GameObject),"IsActive", curve);

Figured this out, the actual attribute in the curve is not “IsActive” but “m_IsActive” just doing this solved the problem.

Great thanks for sharing.
did you know that animation is just another form of art that developed over time alongside the growth of films. This means when films started to become more technically advanced there was a need to elaborate them visually and aesthetically. Initially, it was only experimental to make drawings move on the screen.