trying to implement simple random pathfinding AI... tho getting EXT_FighterAI.cs(41,89): error CS0019: Operator `>' cannot be applied to operands of type `UnityEngine.Vector3' and `int'

hi gang trying to implement basic Pathfinding for my space game by finding random waypoints and moving to them then getting another waypointbut im getting:
EXT_FighterAI.cs(41,89): error CS0019: Operator >' cannot be applied to operands of type UnityEngine.Vector3’ and `int’

dont seem to get it…

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class EXT_FighterAI : MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject nextWaypoint;

	public Transform selectedTarget;
	public Transform selectedWaypoint;
	public Vector3 waypointDistance;

	public float maxSpeed;
	public float currentSpeed;
	public float turnSpeed;
	public float shipHealh = 100;
	public float AIstance = 1;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void FixedUpdate () {
		// set patrolling AI:
		if (AIstance == 1) {
			patrolingAI ();


	void patrolingAI ()	{

		//Find and assign a  waypoint:
		nextWaypoint = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EXT_AI_Waypoint") && (waypointDistance > 100);

		//Look at Assigned Waypoint and get its distance:
		Quaternion WantedRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (nextWaypoint.transform.position - nextWaypoint.transform.position, nextWaypoint.transform.up);
		waypointDistance = Vector3.Distance(nextWaypoint.transform.position, transform.position); 

		 //when arive at waypoint, assign new waypoint that is greater distance then 100, so cannot assign the same waypoint.
		if(waypointDistance < 10){
			nextWaypoint = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EXT_AI_Waypoint") && (waypointDistance > 100); //only choose if distance is > then 100.



Vector3.Distance returns a float, not a Vector3.

So, as @saschandroid said in his comment, you need to change the type of waypointDistance to a float.

float waypointDistance;

Also, you should change those hard-coded values of 10 and 100 to some variable threshold values

float waypointThreshold = 10f;
float nextWaypointDistanceLimit = 100f;

Then your if statements will look much cleaner

if(waypointDistance < waypointThreshold){
     nextWaypoint = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EXT_AI_Waypoint") && 
                   (waypointDistance > nextWaypointDistanceLimit);

While we’re here, this logic is all sorts of flawed. For one, you cannot compare a GameObject and a boolean value.

GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EXT_AI_Waypoint") &&
(waypointDistance > nextWaypointDistanceLimit); //Shouldn't even compile

And, your if-statement is only evaluated if waypointDistance is < 10, and then you’re checking to see if waypointDistance is > 100, which will NEVER be true.

What I think you’re going for is this.

if(waypointDistance < waypointThreshold){
  GameObject[] potentialNewWaypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EXT_AI_Waypoint");
  foreach (GameObject waypoint in potentialNewWaypoints){
    Vector3 waypointPosition = waypoint.transform.position;
    float distanceToNewWaypoint = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, waypointPosition);
    if (distanceToNewWaypoint > nextWaypointDistanceLimit){
      nextWaypoint = waypoint;
      break; // Maybe you don't want to break, I don't know

I would take the above code and refactor it into its own method called FindNewWaypoint()

private GameObject FindNewWaypoint(){
    GameObject newWaypoint = null;
    GameObject[] potentialNewWaypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EXT_AI_Waypoint");
    foreach (GameObject potentialNewWaypoint in potentialNewWaypoints){
      Vector3 waypointPosition = potentialNewWaypoint.transform.position;
      float distanceToNewWaypoint = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, waypointPosition);
      if (distanceToNewWaypoint > nextWaypointDistanceLimit){
        newWaypoint = potentialNewWaypoint ; 
        // Maybe you want to return multiple, if so, refactor as needed.
    return newWaypoint; // I don't like potentially returning null, but can't think of anything right now.

Then you would have

void patrolingAI(){

    Quaternion WantedRotation = 
      Quaternion.LookRotation (nextWaypoint.transform.position - nextWaypoint.transform.position,
    waypointDistance = Vector3.Distance(nextWaypoint.transform.position, transform.position); 

    if (waypointDistance < waypointThreshold){
      nextWaypoint = FindNewWaypoint();

And while we’re at it, why not refactor the rotation code to its own method as well.

private void RotateToFaceWaypoint(){
 transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (nextWaypoint.transform.position - nextWaypoint.transform.position, nextWaypoint.transform.up);
  // Took out the distance calculation, otherwise you have one method doing two different things

Then your finished method looks like

void patrolingAI()
   waypointDistance = Vector3.Distance(nextWaypoint.transform.position, transform.position); 
   if (waypointDistance < waypointThreshold){
    nextWaypoint= FindNewWaypoint();

   if (nextWaypoint == null){
      // Should probably stop or do something else as there are no new waypoints to go to.

Much cleaner, and easier to read all around!!!
Good work so far, just thought it could use some cleanup.