I have been trying to installed Unity Editor from Unity hub and my PC Matic Super Shield blocks the cmd.exe file from running. It states its a dangerous script. Is this normal or is this cmd.exe file not part of Unity. Anyone every have this same problem and what is the work around.
Disable pcmatic until you’ve finished installing if it’s doing that.
that is a windows process, is the command prompt. unity hub needs to set windows path variables and other similar stuff like that and it needs to run that command prompt.
is best to study your firewall/antivirus manual and learn how to allow a specific task when you are sure the software you install is safe. it is good that it blocks this execution globally because is a way for malware to infect your system but if you downloaded the unity hub from unity there are big chances the app is ok.
Uninstall. Windows comes with Defender that puts your system at the same safety level but without being so intrusive than most other 3rd party antivirus.
If it “shields” cmd.exe it’s likely to superficially block or interrupt other applications from functioning properly too. These commercial antiviruses only do so to give the average user the impression that they are, in fact, doing anything and are worth their money (they aren’t).
For an average user you only gain pain by installing 3rd party antivirus and spending money for nothing. In the very best case the net positive effect is marginal and in the worst case, the antivirus is itself a security hole with admin-level privileges.