Trying to make a dynamic error logging class, running into some trouble

I want to pass the gameobject, and the current component into the error logger and have it print out some debug.log.

Here’s what I currently have for the error logger:

public class ErrorLog : MonoBehaviour {

	public ErrorLog(){

	public ErrorLog(GameObject relevantObject, objectrelevantComponent, string methodName, string additionalInfo){
		Debug.Log ("<----------- ERROR MESSAGE ----------->");
		string gOName =;
		string cOName = relevantComponent.GetType().Name;
		string timeStamp = Time.time.ToString();
		Debug.Log ("At " +  timeStamp);
		Debug.Log ("GameObject " + gOName + " has encountered an error");
		Debug.Log ("inside the " + cOName + " component while using the " + methodName + " function");
		Debug.Log (additionalInfo);
		Debug.Log ("<----------- END MESSAGE ----------->");

and heres how I’m trying to call it:

ErrorLog(gameObject, WhateverClass, "GetKeyCode", "NONE");

The problem is that it returns this in the editor:

Expression denotes a `type', where a `variable', `value' or `method group' was expected

I’ve tried using typeOf on the class name. but it didnt seem to change anything. Does anybody know how I can make this work?

Your parameter “relevantComponent” is a string and you try to pass a class. Either change the parameter to “object relevantComponent” or call it with WhateverClass.GetType().Name.