Trying to make a unique type of health 'bar'

Hi, for the game I’m working on, I’d like the health bar to be a bit more unique than the standard UI Sliders. My game has a bunch of different characters with different amounts of health, and what I’m wondering is what the best way to try and make a slider that either:

  1. Increases in length the higher the max HP of the character, or
  2. Tracks health in ‘dots’ that disappear as they take damage (Like from the Ur-Quan Masters, link is here: Star Control II Melee: gay monster aunt vs RacieB - YouTube )

Any tips would be much appreciated.


Well, it seems fairly straight forward to me but perhaps I’m misunderstanding something. I’ll look at your first… uh, question (?). So, if you want a slider that increases in length as the character’s max health increases, couldn’t you just make the length of that bar equal to that max health value or something related? If you’ve got a little GUI element to represent this slider, just set the width of it depending on the max health. For your second question, if you wanted to potentially have dots represent the max health, couldn’t the number of dots just be the max health value? Perhaps you’d draw 10 black dots (max health of 10), and then 9 red dots over the black ones (current health is 9). As the current health drops or increases, just draw or remove the dots. Not quite sure how else to answer your question here… If you have perhaps a bit more specific of a question though, I’d be happy to try to answer it.