Trying to manage local network users. (5.1.0)

So I’m trying to do some things with Unity’s new native multiplayer functionality.

  1. In order to apply proper input to local players, I need to access those players by some sort of index. Player 1 might use “P1 Horizontal”, while Player 2 would use “P2 Horizontal”, etc.
  2. In order to do this, I must first access the players that “this client” is using.

I see many things in the scripting reference, but it’s a bit confusing. How do I go about doing this?

I think you will have to use the “Network Behavior is Local Player” function. There is a video called " UNET Part 1 - Setup and Movement Syncing " that explains it pretty well. He starts talking about what you need at about 10 minutes into the video.