My goal is to recreate the kind of dropdowns that exist in the GameView, like this one:
As you can see, this dropdown doesn’t just contains options, but also toggles and buttons, which I assume are UIElements. However, using the UI Toolkit Debugger on the GameView yields no results, it just displays a single element for the entire window. I assume (correct me if I’m wrong) this is because the GameView is still written in the old IMGUI framework, and so doesn’t offer the same options as UIElements.
I would like to know if it was possible to easily recreate this style of dropdown with VisualElements, ideally with a suited component or method, or if there is a way to override the dropdown list to change its apparence and content. So far, I have tried a regular ToolbarMenu component parented to a Toolbar VisualElement, but the list of options is the default one.
Thank you for your time.