Trying to stop player from walking through walls

So basically I am making a VR game with functional movement. The player can move around and grab things but the issue is that the player walks through anything and everything. For example the player walks through a desk. I thought adding a box collider to the desk and a collider and rigidbody to the Player model would help but it still does not work. Should I add the colliders on the camera instead? Do I need to make a script where if the player comes in contact anything that has a tag called object it can’t go through? I need some help as I am new to this.

No need to add collision to the camera you did it correctly. It’s related to how your player is moving.
If it’s using transform it can go through walls, because transform works by teleporting player from position to position at each tick. You need to move your player with your rigidbody by using Rigidbody.MovePosition() for example.

I recommend you to take a look at Valem vr template GitHub - ValemVR/VR-Game-Jam-Template: Starter Project using Unity XR Toolkit created for VR Jam 2023

So what about having colliders for just a hand/arms then? For our game we might switch it to stationary. a game where the player takes a customer’s order and makes drinks for them. If we want hands to collide with things like the desk, machines, etc would you still recommend looking at Valem’s VR template?