trying to understand the relation between animations and models in fbx

Hi all - complete noob here - just picked up unity for the first time couple of days ago. I am a musician and video editor with very little experience in 3d animation (made couple of music videos on iclone and poser and some 3d stuff using element3d on AE)

OK so this is my question - I have picked unity now due to the cinemachine part which I understood to allow me a familiar timline workflow to what I am used to in Avid etc (I understand cameras and lighting but have no idea about scripting). I have imported some mixamo characters with attached animation and it works fine - i can interchange the mixamo characters and animation clips fine. But trying to put the mixamo animation clips on characters from other sources (turbosquid, iclone and the asset store) gets me nowhere… they just stand there…

So i assume that it related to naming of the bones in the animation clip and the models and this naming does not match across characters from different sources… am I right? is there a way of making non-mixamo characters take mixamo animation clips?

And while I’m here - have not worked out how to export the final animation as a video clip… can anyone help with that?

Yes you are right. It is because of the type of bone the model has and how it was rigged. Some use generic and preset bones from 3D software and some are customized. You can try editing the avatar of the model.

I never tried and tested this but you can check it out: Unity Recorder

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Thanks for the reply, will check it out