Trying to use UnityCountyFlags. from GitHub

I got tired of rolling my own for everything, so I found this.

Which looks like it will do the trick, I imported it to my assets. But can’t seem to access it. I think it’s working because I can compile the example scene, but can’t figure out how to use it. Bit of a nube, to using packages, so it could be pretty basic (a stupid mistake) but lost.

basically I’m trying to figure out how to give it a country code ISO and get the flag image back.

or a big part of my problem is the result CountryFlagEntery.Flag returns the whole sprite when I just wanter one flag.

What I was doing is putting the flag on as a texture on an object, after a bunch of research I found out that a Sprite sheet, won’t work as a texture or a least not the way I want, it returns the whole sheet.
So I had to create a new texture and then ‘render’ the sprite to that texture.

 Texture2D CreateReadableTexture(Sprite sprite)
        // Create a new readable Texture2D with the sprite's dimensions
        Texture2D readableTexture = new Texture2D((int)sprite.rect.width, (int)sprite.rect.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

        // Get the source texture (sprite sheet)
        Texture2D sourceTexture = sprite.texture;

        // Create a temporary RenderTexture
        RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(sourceTexture.width, sourceTexture.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.Default, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);

        // Copy the source texture to the RenderTexture
        Graphics.Blit(sourceTexture, rt);

        // Store the current active RenderTexture
        RenderTexture previous =;

        // Set the current RenderTexture to our temporary texture = rt;

        // Read the pixels from the specific area of the sprite
        readableTexture.ReadPixels(sprite.rect, 0, 0);

        // Restore the active RenderTexture = previous;

        // Release the temporary RenderTexture

        return readableTexture;


because I didn’t go to no fancy comp.Sci university school or nothing. I didn’t understand namespace.
so for people like me.

namespace gives you a way to compartmentalize your code. l

namespace CountryFlags
  public class CountryFlag_MyMethod : MonoBehaviour
        Debug.Log("I'm doing stuff with the CountyFlag"); 

Then to access that method.

  public CountryFlagEntry FlagEntry { get; private set; }
  // and 
  CountryFlagEntry currentFlag = CountryFlags.Flags.Search(query).FirstOrDefault();
  // note the dot.. why someone couldn't nicely explain that to me is curious. and Save me 45 minutes of googling! HAhhahah! 

then the examples on the Github will work!

Unity NameSpace Tutorial.