TubeRenderer is now available on the AssetStore under Scripting/Effects. The script procedurally generates tubes in runtime based on sets of points, radiuses and colours.
– Optimised for runtime manipulation
– Variable edge resolution
– Per point variable radius
– Per point variable vertex colours
– UV mapped
– Optional tangents
– Optional mesh inversion
– Three procedural examples
Happy owner since a few days,
Any chances to see a few more examples ?
I like the static shots a lot. Would it be possible to reproduce them without Pro ?
Thanks for the nice package,
Are you familiar with MoSpline in Cinema4D? Would be cool to understand how to reproduce some of those effects with this. Things like extruding, adding twist, bend and curl to the shapes in real time.
@ Ippokratis
I’m happy you like it! I’ll might produce more examples in the future, but I’m too busy at the moment.
I didn’t know MoSpline. Looked at some YouTube clips. The movement seems a bit odd slash not natural, but it’s a fun effect. I think you can create a similar effect using a Bezier function and a bit of repulsion on the end points.
The snakes interpolate from moving in a circular formation to wandering about by the influence of sine wave modulations. The formation can move, wander and spin. I also have an external audio analysis connected. I’ll hopefully capture a video of the output sometime soon, but I’m not planning to produce a tutorial.
If you want to do caves procedurally I would recommend Voxelform by Mark Davis. It rocks.
I got the latest update (v1.2) and it’s great to see that this asset is still under development! Really cool features. But could you please add again the old spiral and the old Flower examples?
I’m happy you like it! I can send the old examples to you personally (pm me with your email address). The new examples are far more pedagogic and I want to keep the package minimal. If enough people encourage me to add the old examples then I will consider it.
I got an old version in a testproject I made a couple of months ago , so I have the code, but I thought it would be nice to have it in the latest release and don’t have to remind me all the time where the old codepieces are. Your examples giving good inspiration, what you can do with tweaking only a couple of parameters and some math. Speaking for me I like to see as much as possible examples you could provide for this asset. (I think you have the right creativity to give us more inspiration )
You can make straw. Grass leafs are flat and I would recommend using a billboard particle system in most cases. Maybe I’ll add a squeeze method so that you can make leaf-like meshes at some point.
Thanks. I will probably post more examples in the future =)
I have updated the TubeRenderer. I’m very happy with the new features and I hope you will be so too.
Firstly I’ve added a remote reference page with demos.
Also I’ve:
Converted all methods for setting and getting tube data to properties.
Added ‘caps’: open or close the end points of your tube.
Added ‘uvRect’, ‘uvRectCap’ and ‘uvRectCapEndMirrored’: create custom uv mappings.
Added ‘forwardAngleOffset’: rotate tube around it’s forward direction.
Added ‘AddPostprocess’, ‘RemovePostprocess’ and ‘postprocessContinously’: post process the mesh of your tube.
Added ‘MarkDynamic’ shortcut to mesh.MarkDynamic(): optimise for runtime manipulation.
Added ‘drawMeshGizmos’ and ‘drawMeshGizmosLength’: display gizmos for normals and tangents.
Implemented modulo iteration for cases where the length of point, radius and color arrays don’t match.
Perfected normals and tangents for tubes with variable radiuses.
Fixed minor update issue with ‘calculateTangents’ and ‘invertMesh’.
Fixed rotation issue with doubled points.
Added custom inspector and enabled editor execution.
Moved documentation to ‘AssetStore/TubeRenderer/’ and updated it.
Created new examples and updated the old.
In summery the features of 1.2 are:
Optimised for runtime manipulation
Per point variable radius
Per point variable vertex colours
Customisable uv mapping
Optional tangents
Optional caps
Optional mesh inversion
Optional mesh post processing
Seven procedural examples
If you like it, then please don’t forget to rate it and leave a review on the Asset Store.
The more it sells the more time I can devote to developing it.
Yes! TubeRenderer now has three normal rendering modes; Smooth, Hard and HardEdges. This opens up for a whole new range of possible procedural shapes. The example below is generated in Unity and rendered in Modo.
If you like it, don’t forget to rate it in the AssetStore.