Turn-Based Local Multiplayer

Hi I’m Andrew (Hi Andrew) and I’m a Unity Newbie.

I’ve been working for a bit on some single player games in Unity and studying the docs as I go, but the game I’ve got in planning right now is a turn-based local (currently) single/multiplayer game. It is an implementation of a board gam similar to Pandemic (if anyone knows it).

What I’m trying to find is docs, examples, etc for doing a 1-7 player local multiplayer that would be pass-and-play style (if on mobile). I’ve got most of the various actions figured out but what I just cannot figure out is setting up multiple players/characters. Everything I look for just shows network based info and right now I’m not looking to do network based.

Does anyone have any resources to lend a hand? Searching the forum, answers and Google have not really turned up much. The only local multiplayer I’m finding is Simultaneous and that’s not what I’m looking for.

Thank you for any help,

This might get moved to a general coding forum as not really multiplayer networking,

Have made a few games with local multiplayer like this, can only suggest the way I’d go about doing it but am unsure to your level of experience with coding.

  • Have a player object for keeping track of that one players information
  • Store these player objects in an array / list of players. (ie. List players), There would be methods on PlayerObject allowing that player to make moves for that players turn.
  • Have a “CurrentPlayerIndex” int value. When one player is done, increment this, if CurrentPlayerIndex>=players.Count, CurrentPlayerIndex = 0

If you have any specific questions about what you’re not able to do right now I might be able to give a better answer than just the general architecture of where I’d start on this.

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Thanks. I chose this forum since it did just list multiplayer games individually in the topics section. Thank you for the information. It may be enough to get started.