Turn on/off renderer of an object across the network

I’m working on a multiplayer fps game and I just added parachuting in my game ^^.
The only problem is that the other players can’t see the parachute by turning renderer on. I’m the only one who can see the parachute.
I realy hope someone can help me :).

Here’s the script:

if(Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")&& canOpen){
parachuteOpen = true;
networkView.RPC("Para" ,RPCMode.All);

function Para(){
 parachuteModel.renderer.enabled = true;

Never mind, I solved the problem! :slight_smile:

Change this
“networkView.RPC(“Para” ,RPCMode.All); to networkView.RPC(“Para” RPCMode.AllBuffered);”

will stay that way.

if(Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")&& canOpen){
parachuteOpen = true;
networkView.RPC("Para" RPCMode.AllBuffered);
function Para(){
 parachuteModel.renderer.enabled = true;