Turning Off Plastic SCM TEMPORARILY

I have a project on Plastic SCM. Getting it from my PC to my laptop is fine. Then if I don’t have Internet, Plastic SCM is annoyingly requesting that I log in every time I play a scene which I have to cancel twice or thrice. I try to work on project at workplace that isn’t remotely a connected environment during lunch or break. The option “Turning Off Plastic SCM” want to literally disconnect the project and delete the workspace.


A potential workaround to this would be to remove the Version Control package from your project via Package Manager, this can then be re-enabled at any time without affecting the workspace.

Hope this helps!


I also found myself in this situation, as much as I like Plastic SCM, it’s still super buggy. I went down the remove route first time, thinking I could just ‘reconnect’ like I used to with GitHub, but nope. Had to create a second repo to play it safe.

Edit: So, I have moved away from the built in Unity Version Control, and now using the native windows Plastic SCM app. This is much better, and find myself rather liking it!

Also to qualify to bugs comment, I was getting a gradual slowdown of Unity over extended time, messages about objects locked while SCM was updating, and weirdly, crashes when entering a prefab to edit it. Specifically a prefab marked for change in SCM. It’s still early days, but at least it’s more robust than GitHub in our Unity use case.


We have a mixed team with some people on Linux where the in Unity issues caused by plastic often break the entire project or cause the entire Assets folder to become private and the Plastic SCM team does not seem to be willing to solve it. However since some of the people in the team use the tool in Unity on Windows, some are on Mac, and some on Linux and the package list is synchronised between them this is not a solution as one person removing the version control package would remove it for everyone else in the project and force them to use the external app.


Unfortunately, your Linux users will have to manually handle the manifest.json file. Even if we did add an Enable/Disable option to the package it would not be included in the Editor, meaning configuring this option would also be stored in the project and cause the same issue.

Please have your Linux users modify the manifest.json file so that locally the package is not included and then be careful not to check it in. They can also use Hidden Changes or Cloaked Rules to assist with this workflow if needed.

Hope this helps!

@ollieblanks Although this doesn’t work for us because the editor (at least in U2019.4.32) like today never finishes loading. So can never start package manager… Certainly brings all work to a standstill and kills productivity.

@sstrong Could you clarify the view/panel that never finishes loading? Is it a connection issue?

Basically the editor doesn’t finish loading - sometimes just a white screen.

Sorry, remind me where the Version Control log is. Maybe that could shed some light on what’s happening.

The log is located at:

We need to be sure that you are using the last plugin version.

Any updates in the year since this was first posted?
Just ran into the Offline Mode bug for the first time

What is your Version Control package version? It should be available in the latest version.

Thanks for the update, Carlos.
I found it, now that I knew the functionality was hidden somewhere.

Here are the instructions for anyone who’s looking for it:

  • The Plastic SCM Unity window has four tabs. Only Incoming Changes, the 2nd tab, has a settings icon
  • In the Settings menu, select Options
  • The Project Settings window will appear with the Plastic SCM Settings under Version Control shown
  • The Offline Mode button is at the top. It behaves like a toggle switch

Apologies that I didn’t find this before. I’m still pretty new to Unity and didn’t know to go into Project Settings. The only other package I have open in a window is Recorder and it is pretty self contained.
Really appreciate the help!