Hey guys, I’ve got a problem… I’m trying to make a flame “breath” for a dragon, but it’s not working.
Could someone help me? (And yeah, I callid it a dargon because of those people who say dargon in league of legends chat ;P)
And here is a picture:
Hey guys, I’ve got a problem… I’m trying to make a flame “breath” for a dragon, but it’s not working.
Could someone help me? (And yeah, I callid it a dargon because of those people who say dargon in league of legends chat ;P)
And here is a picture:
I have fixed it. Don’t know how, but I think I added the wrong particle system in the script.(Maybe in the assets instead of the system in the scene). Thanks for your reply!
I have if(input.getmousebutton(0)){ flames.play()} else { flames.stop}. Now the problem is when I hold mousebutton, it will update flames.play() each second so it starts playing each second, with the result I wont see any particles but I know they exist. I have also tried emissionRate, but gives an error… Would have been a better solution. The best solution I have tried is: Play flames and the stop flames at W key when walking so it will stop than. (If my English is bad: I’m Dutch and dyslexic)