Turning Tiling on textures OFF?

Hello again!

I realised a way to alter one of my models this morning to save roughly 40% of the polygons in one of my scenes. This involved creating oversized polygons and applying the same texture to those polygons.

The problem is that when I load the FBX into unity, the texure “wraps around”, meaning that in the areas of the polygon which should now be transparent, I end up with repeats of the texture which is spoiling the whole thing.

Is there any way to just turn off the texture wrapping altogether?

Ta! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if this is what you want, but if you click on the texture inside the project pane (not the material! the texture!), in the inspector you have “wrap mode” or “clamp mode”.

Also, when picking the material, in the inspector you have offset and tiling.

But I imagine it won’t help you, and what you really want is to have UV texturing on your object and textures to go with it.

You want to change the tiling mode from Repeat to Clamp.


Nice one, chaps! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, I need to turn the tiling off like in 3dsmax, the wrap mode is set to “clamp” for the texture2d and it doesn’t work for me, there’s still artifact in view and my project needs that technique (aka no tiling). There is a way to change the diffuse shader or something else to work !! I don’t know what to do ! Thanks in advance !

Sorry for my poor english !

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance !

Don’t use uv coordinates outside the 0,1 range on your model and it won’t tile, given you don’t mess with the UV scale on the material :slight_smile:

thank you dreamora ! But that’s strange because in tiling, i’ve got 1for x and y, 0 for x offset and y. And I don’t know how to make an UV scale ! ^^

the tiling is UV scale :slight_smile:

if it tiles with these settings then the model or the shader is the problem

ok thank you very much !!! I’m gonna take a look at the models because the shader used is the simple diffuse so I don’t think that the problem is here !