I’ve created a turret script out of several tutorials, an enemy AI turret that will fire at the player helicopter, but it doesn’t seem to detect the target that it should fire at. The objectives of the script are as follows :
*A 3 dimensional rotation of the turret
*Able to fire a projectile that can be dodged from the target
*A detection range that the turret “looks” at the target and fires when the target gets close
*The projectile spawns from the projectile spawn point
*The projectile flies depending on how fast the variable input is
This is the script:
var lookAtDistance = 15.0;
var distance;
//Target to be aimed at
var findTarget : Transform;
//Projectile/Ammo from Turret
var ammoPrefab : Transform;
//Tells Unity When to fire
private var fireCycle : float;
//Fire Delay
var fireDelay : float;
function update() {
distance = Vector3.Distance(findTarget.position, transform.position);
if(distance < lookAtDistance){
//Follows target
//Check if Turret can fire
if(Time.Time > fireCycle){
//Update Firing Time
fireCycle = Time.Time + fireDelay;
//Turret Fires
function shoot(){
var ammo = Instantiate(ammoPrefab.transform.Find(“fireOutput”),transform.position,
ammo.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * 500);
Any advice would be appreciated.