Turret kills one enemy, then ignores the rest

Hello, I’m making a Tower Defense game, and I have used a script from a free package for my turret. The only problem is that the turret attacks one enemy then ignores the rest. And I know this may seem easy to fix but the code is written in Boolean, so if anyone could help I would appreciate it. The turret attacks anything with the tag target.

Here is the turret script

import UnityEngine

class Turret (MonoBehaviour): 
	public TargetObject as Transform
	public RotationSpeed as single
	public ElevationSpeed as single // 0 means fixed barrel angle, such as with a missile launcher.
	public Barrels as Transform
	public ProjectileForce as single
	public Projectile as GameObject
	public RateOfFire as single
	public NumberOfProjectiles as int
	public Deviation as single
	public Indirect as bool
	_barrels as (Barrel)
	_origin as Vector3
	_init = false

	def OnDrawGizmosSelected():
		Gizmos.color = Color.cyan
		if not _init:
		for barrel in _barrels:
			Gizmos.DrawSphere(barrel.GetProjectileOrigin(), 0.1)
		targetPosition = GetTargetPoint()
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(targetPosition, 0.5)
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(_origin, 0.1)

	def Start():
		_barrels = GetComponents of Barrel()
		for barrel in _barrels:
		_init = true
	def FixedUpdate():
		if not TargetObject or not _init:
			fire = false
			for Barrel in _barrels:
		if (targetPoint = GetTargetPoint()) == null:
			fire = false
			for Barrel in _barrels:

		// Vector that looks at targetPosition. Converted into local space to account for parent transform rotations.
		firingVector = transform.parent.InverseTransformPoint(targetPoint) - transform.parent.InverseTransformPoint(_origin)
		fire = true

		// Rotate on the Y axis to align with firingVector
		yRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(firingVector, transform.parent.up)
		yRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, yRotation.eulerAngles.y, 0)
		transform.localRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.localRotation, yRotation, RotationSpeed)
		if Quaternion.Angle(transform.localRotation, yRotation) > Deviation:
			fire = false
		if not ElevationSpeed == 0:
			// Rotate the barrels on their X axis to align with firingVector
			xRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(firingVector, Vector3.right)
			xRotation = Quaternion.Euler(xRotation.eulerAngles.x, 0, 0)
			Barrels.localRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(Barrels.localRotation, xRotation, ElevationSpeed)
			if Quaternion.Angle(Barrels.localRotation, xRotation) > Deviation:
				fire = false
		if fire:
			for Barrel in _barrels:
			for Barrel in _barrels:

	def GetTargetPoint():
		targetPosition = TargetObject.position
		// Projectile origin. Is between the (assumed) two barrels.
		originDiff = _barrels[0].GetProjectileOrigin() - _barrels[1].GetProjectileOrigin()
		_origin = _barrels[0].GetProjectileOrigin() - originDiff * 0.5
		// Angle needed to hit the target with the given force.
		targetAngle = Ballistics.GetVerticalAim(_origin, targetPosition, ProjectileForce, Indirect)
		return null if targetAngle == 0
//		solutionTime = CalculateFlightTime(solutionAngle * Mathf.Rad2Deg);

		// Vector that points from _origin to targetPosition		
		targetVector = targetPosition - _origin
		targetVector.y = 0
		// Find the "right" of the targetVector to rotate around
		targetVectorRight = Vector3.Cross(targetVector, Vector3.down)
		// Rotate the targetVector around its own "right" to get the target point
		targetVector = Quaternion.AngleAxis(targetAngle, targetVectorRight) * targetVector
		// The final target point. A shot fired at this point in world space will hit targetPosition
		return _origin + targetVector

And the script that comes with the two barrels that are attached to the turret

class Barrel (MonoBehaviour):
	public Delay as single
	public BarrelObject as Transform
	_turret as Turret
	_firing = false
	//_count2 = 0
	def Start ():
	def Update ():
	def Init(turret as Turret):
		_turret = turret
	def BeginFiring():
		if not _firing:
			_firing = true
			//Debug.Log("Begin " + Time.time + " Delay " + Delay + " Rate of Fire " + _turret.RateOfFire)
			InvokeRepeating("Fire", Delay, _turret.RateOfFire)
	def CeaseFiring():
		if _firing:
			_firing = false
	def Fire():
		//Debug.Log("Fire " + Delay + " Count2 " + _count2 + " Time " + Time.time)
		//_count2 += 1
		for i in range(_turret.NumberOfProjectiles):
			projectile = Instantiate(_turret.Projectile, BarrelObject.position, BarrelObject.localRotation);
			velocity = BarrelObject.TransformDirection(Vector3(Random.Range(-_turret.Deviation, _turret.Deviation), Random.Range(-_turret.Deviation, _turret.Deviation), _turret.ProjectileForce));
			projectile.rigidbody.velocity = velocity;
	def GetProjectileOrigin() as Vector3:
		return BarrelObject.position

Any Help will be greeted with many thanks x3

I’m not sure i understand your script. But it seems that you set the TargetObject only once in the inspector but when its killed the turret doesn’t have any target anymore, you need to make a script that will set the TargetObject var, so it needs to be a static var.

// Attach to the enemy

function Update() {
  if (TurretScript.TargetObject == null) { // If there's no target
  TurretScript.TargetObject = transform.position; // Then set the target to the current object

You’ll also need to set the TargetObject to null when the enemy gets killed so another one can set himself as target.