tut for this?

Okay so i don’t like realm crafter since its (basically) all drag and drop BUT i like the interface is doesn’t gotta be this good can be block y buy anyone got a tut for a interface shown in the screen shot below

I highly doubt that there are tutorials of creating game GUI. And btw you picked the 2 of the ugliest interfaces i’ve ever seen.

dude “looks” dont matter WHAT so ever for beta and just getting it stable? do ou know anything?

Hello again EVO. You are everywhere these days :slight_smile: The 3rd Person Tutorial on this site has the basics for making and scripting a GUI. From that you should be able to build off it.


or this


i saw that but i wasnt sure how to add it or what to do, and yea im every where im sorry if its annoying its just i REALLY wanna make a game first ill do a MMORPG,Western (i got AMAZING ideas for this) and FPS and i am going to go to college but wanna practice before :slight_smile:

that second one, how they are making those boxs, wont i need to make a invo system to LINK the button too?

Okay so right now its a a “Rect” where i want my map so to turn the rect into a circle would it be “Circ”???

I know that man. Anyway here are some things you may find useful :

The following week I will be working on the interface of my game.They will be something similar to what you want to achieve.I may post the results in the showcase section if I like them :smile:

look at my earlyer post above that and also, how do i add the picture of the mapinside the little circle lol

Try looking at
and Creating a custom interface with gimp or photoshop?

still need to change the rect to a circle before i can even add the pic of the map too the interface

Well create the circle in gimp or photoshop (or whatever) then use it in your project as a GUI Texture.

or cant i just change the java script too Circ or something instead of doing gimp and crap, i wanna do gimp later for like a outline of it or something

okaay okay i got yea on the gimp thing, but still what are the cords for the bottom mid left for me too put like the button for invo and equips and stuff like that

No thats mostly for positioning your texture. Open paint and just do a simple circle for now and load it as an asset in your game. Create a GUI Texture then in your inspector your will be able to load your image as that texture instead of the unity logo. You will also be able to position the circle (GUI Texture) from the inspector.

yea but i need GUI buttons to make it so say you click the inventory button that the invo will open

yes but now is the circle a health bar? it wont register my health

cause i need something like the second picture not pretty but that works.

You can also do that with GUI textures you just have to make your own buttons and script functions. You could just create a simple outline for your interface and position GUI Buttons in the spots you want. Did this fast and its kinda sloppy but could work for what you want. Just an example.


Okay but were can i find a script ad guide too add a invotory system, just a simple one were you can pick stuff up and look in invo?