Tutorial about unit creation and animation with Blender and import in Unity

Hi all! On the site of the game I’m creating I published a tutorial about I created the helicopter for the game and animated it.
You find the tutorial here, with the asset to reproduce it: http://www.shifumibattle.com/

Please let me know if there is something wrong or not clear!
Hope it’s helpful! Bye, Lell.

I’d be interested in seeing your tutorial, but that link doesn’t go to any tutorial, just a page about your game.

Well, you were almost done! On the right there’s the link to download it! bye!

Hi! The second part of the tuorial is uploaded on the site. It is about some functionalities of the game, always about the units. The most interesting thing is how to make an object in the scene to follow the mouse pointer.

Hope it useful to you! Bye!