Information in this guide is correct from date of upload: 2023/03/07
This is a step by step authentication tutorial made to simplify the many different pages that are required to set up Google Play Games Authentication.
More information can be found here.
- Google Play Console Developer account
- Google Play Games SDK for Unity version v11.01
- Google Play Games on a device
- Latest version of the Unity Authentication SDK with package manager
- Unity Editor version 2019.4.40f1 and above
- Unity Project building to Android
- Java JDK
- *Minify must remain unchecked when publishing
Player Settings > Publish Settings > Minify - kudos to @rbitard for reporting*
Authentication integration with Google Play Games
Initial Google Play Console setup
Sign in to google play console
Create a new app. *More detailed steps can be found on the official website here
Fill in your app name language and if your application is free or paid
Choose GAME in the app details. Your application must be type GAME to access the Setup and Management Menu
Select Create App
Go to Google Play Console > Grow > Play Games Services > Setup and management > Configuration
Choose the appropriate Google API selection for your game eg: No, My game doesn’t use Google APIs
Click on he Create button
Select Setup and Management>Configuration>Credentials>Configure
Select Google Cloud Platform
Next continue configuring Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform Setup
Choose if your OAUTH consent is External or Internal.
Select Create
Fill in the *required information
Select Save and continue
Add the following scopes: games,games_lite and drive.appdata
Select Update then Save and continue
Add test users. These should be google accounts associated with Google and Google Play Games
Click on Save and continue, Navigate back go the Google Play Console
Google Play Console setup continued
[OPTIONAL] If you previously confirmed and configured your oAuth, by following steps 1-8 in the previous section, skip ahead to step 4
Go to Play Games Services > Setup and management > Configuration
Select Configure your oAuth consent screen and confirm configuration
Click on Add Credential to create a credential for Android
Select Type Android
Click Create OAuth client.
Follow the steps proposed below
On Create OAuth Client ID Page - Select the Application Type Android
Name should match the Project Name
Paste your Package Name. * This can be found in the Unity Editor > Edit Project Settings > Player > Android> Other Settings > Package Name.
You must build your project at least once and generate a keystore before moving on to the next step. Learn more here
Open a Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on a Mac
WINDOWS: *Required to have JDK installed
Generate a SHA-1 key by typing the following into your Command Prompt
keytool -list -keystore .android[yourkeystorename].keystore -v*
[If the above fails] Generate a SHA-1 by navigating to your JDK installation folder normally located under C:\Program Files\Java\jdk[version]\bin> using the Command Prompt *depending on your JDK installation
Copy your keystore folder path. This is normally generated when create your keystore
Run the following command:
keytool -list -keystore [keystorefolderpath][yourkeystorename].keystore -v*
MAC *Required to have JDK installed
Generate a SHA-1 key by typing the following into your Terminal
keytool -list -keystore ~/.android/[yourkeystorename].keystore -v*
[If the above fails] Generate a SHA-1 by navigating to your JDK installation folder normally located under /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk[VERSION] *depending on your JDK installation using the Terminal
Copy your keystore folder path. This is normally generated when create your keystore
Run the following command:
keytool -list -keystore [keystorefolderpath][yourkeystorename].keystore -v*
Copy the SHA1 key and paste it in the certificate
Create the credentials
Copy your Client ID :[yourid] or download the json
Once complete navigate back to the Google Play Console and refresh the credentials page and select your newly created OAuth credentials and save changes
Return to Play Games Services > Setup and management > Configuration
Create a Game Server Credential by clicking Add Credentials in the Configuration page under Setup and management
Select Type Game Server
Select Create OAuth client. Make sure to follow the link proposed
Select Application Type Web Application
Enter Project Name in the Name field
Select Create
Copy your Client ID and Client Secret or download json for future reference
Once complete Refresh OAuth clients in the Google Play Console and select your newly created OAuth credentials and save changes
Go to Play Games Services > Setup and management > Configuration> Credentials and click on Get Resources. Copy the resources
Continue to the next section
Unity Editor Setup Google Play Games
Download the version v11.01 play-games-plugin-for-unity
Open Unity Editor
Make sure your build settings are set to Android
Import the downloaded file by selecting Assets > Import Package >Custom Package
***Enable the Auto Android Resolver if you do not have your own
Window > Google Play Games > Setup > Android Setup
Paste your copied xml Resources in the Resources Definition section
Copy the previously saved Web App Client ID and paste it in the field for the Optional Web App Client ID
Select Setup to save
Unity Authentication Editor Setup
Link your project to a corresponding dashboard project or create a new project id learn more
Select Edit > Project Settings > Services
Select Use an existing Unity project ID
Select corresponding Organization and dashboard project
To install the Authentication Package, Go to Window > Package Manager. Select Unity Registry from the packages drop down menu
Search for Authentication and install the package
To ensure the latest version of authentication click on + > Add package by name and enter into the field
In the Unity Editor menu, go to Edit > Project Settings > Services > Authentication
From the dropdown menu add Google Play games as an identity provider
Fill in Web App Client ID and Client Secret and save
Unity Script Setup
Create an empty game object
Create a script, call it GPManager and attach it to the newly created game object
Add the following code to load the authenticated user with google play games and Unity Authentication
using System;
using GooglePlayGames;
using GooglePlayGames.BasicApi;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity.Services.Authentication;
using Unity.Services.Core;
using UnityEngine;
public class GPManager : MonoBehaviour
public string Token;
public string Error;
void Awake()
async void Start()
await UnityServices.InitializeAsync();
await LoginGooglePlayGames();
await SignInWithGooglePlayGamesAsync(Token);
//Fetch the Token / Auth code
public Task LoginGooglePlayGames()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.Authenticate((success) =>
if (success == SignInStatus.Success)
Debug.Log("Login with Google Play games successful.");
PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RequestServerSideAccess(true, code =>
Debug.Log("Authorization code: " + code);
Token = code;
// This token serves as an example to be used for SignInWithGooglePlayGames
Error = "Failed to retrieve Google play games authorization code";
Debug.Log("Login Unsuccessful");
tcs.SetException(new Exception("Failed"));
return tcs.Task;
async Task SignInWithGooglePlayGamesAsync(string authCode)
await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInWithGooglePlayGamesAsync(authCode);
Debug.Log($"PlayerID: {AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId}"); //Display the Unity Authentication PlayerID
Debug.Log("SignIn is successful.");
catch (AuthenticationException ex)
// Compare error code to AuthenticationErrorCodes
// Notify the player with the proper error message
catch (RequestFailedException ex)
// Compare error code to CommonErrorCodes
// Notify the player with the proper error message
Check if authentication is working by using Unity Logcat or Android studio Logcat.
You must connect your device to your workstation to view the Logcat.
A successful test will print out the following:
Unity Logcat (example):
Android Studio Logcat (example):
Additionally a visual queue will be displayed upon successful login.
This should get you started logging in to authentication and google play games generating and linking a user id between Google and Unity.
Links for further knowledge
Authentication documentation for Unity
Disable automatic sign in