I need a TuTorial for a IP Server but I have found only the Network examples with manually IP Connections.
How I can create this:
- Getting my Internet IP Number with Unity
- Send this to my Server with Playername+IP Number
- Player B start the Game and can see my Name in Player-List.
- He can join my game.
An Example would be great!
Before I used Unity, I have written in C++ and Etna Net Dll. Sorry for my question
This too is bothering me lately.
I used unity last around 3.5, networkView was a thing…
I started ubnity again recently, and nothing will work except LAN. Which is really lame, no one wants lan play, its all about IP.
So, does anyone know of any decent IP Server / Client tutorials / articles, etc… i’ve searched high and low on the net, and everything ive found is either LAN based, or so old its refering to network views.
And to think, they say this new networking is eaiser… O.0 im back to square one it seems, all my previous learnings are crap.