Tutorial - Inventory System with the new UI System 4.6


I have started a tutorial series where I create a Inventory System with the new UI System.

  • Part 6(Dropping/Picking Items, environment-box like in DayZ):
  • Part 7(Gearing items, fixing some bugs, resoltion fix):

Craft System(works with inventory):

  • Part 1(Creating the whole craft system):
  • Part 2:

PS.: Im sorry for my bad english I hope it is good enough for you guys ;). Ask if you have some questions.


I recommend you add a Layout - Grid Layout component to the inventory panel instead of coding the slots’ positions. This way it’s very easy to adjust the slot size and offset from the Inspector.

OK thank you very much.

Thanks for this alot, we really need some practical tutorials on uGUI.

I doing another one with dragging item from slot to slot…I hope I gonna finish it this evening.

Are you going to make a video about using grid layouts, that seems to be the preferred way to handle placement of slots. I’d like to see it in action.

I gonna do it later I guess. I will finish the inventory, which is going pretty fast I guess and than I gonna do another video where I optimize everything.

Zee Germans always apologizing about their “bad” English
Gotta love them :wink:

:smile: I understand english perfectly but I do not speak it often. It is a different to hear a word and knowing what it means and speaking with someone where you have to know the words. But I notice that am getting better from video to video.

Dragging Item is in as a tutorial aswell…

These are fantastic, thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

Thank you for this wonderful tutorial implementation of the new ui tool

Thank you. I gonna create another video, after the inventory tutorial, where I gonna optimize everything so that the inventory is good perfomance wise. And later I gonna create a environment panel - like in DayZ - which will show dropped item near you.

Added another video about stacking items and drinking consumable.

Always as well. Deeply the continuation…

A download link coming so we can check out the code in a little bit more detail?
Either way thanks for the work it’s been very helpful.

To be honest. I do not like the guys who only come for downloading the sourcecode ;)(no offense). I know what you mean but this is not the intention of this tutorial. People have to watch the video. Maybe I gonna attach it at the end of the video, that you can click onto it like the “part 2 ---->” things.

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Added Part6 with Dropping/Picking Items, environment-box like in DayZ.

Thank you for the new video

Great tutorial, thanks man.

Btw, i’ve got a question: i want to drag item in the inventory like drag and drop, i mean i press the button, move the item to another slot (button is still pressed), release the button and item move from inital slot to the one which over i released the button.

I can’t do that. I tried to use OnEndDrag method, but it has slotNumber of initial slot, not the one i finish dragging. do u have any ideas how to do that?