Tutorial is built for unity 4 scripts don't work the same?

ok so im following the roll a ball Tutorial and everything is so easy but
when i got to the move the player section the scripts he wrote didnt work for me the console in unity told me that the script is unknow i copied exactly what the Tutorial said i over looked the Tutorial so many times and i cant find anything i did wrong here is the script im suing c#


the console tries to correct the rigidbody to Rigidbody and when it does other errors occurs
also here what the console is telling me

Assets/scripts/controlermode.cs(13,25): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `rigidbody’

this is where i got the script from this tutorial http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/roll-a-ball/moving-the-player
what should i do ?? did the script change from unity 4 to 5? cause the tutorial says its using 4.6 not 5

Removed quick property accessors, like
.rigidBody, .rigidbody2D, .camera,
.light, .animation, .constantForce,
.renderer, .audio, .networkView,
.guiTexture, .collider, .collider2D,
.particleSystem, .particleEmitter,
.guiText, .hingeJoint for
modularization. Instead, use
GetComponent to get references.


You need to get the component yourself:


‘rigidbody’ was deprecated and removed. Replace with ‘GetComponent()’. Ex:

GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce (movement * speed * Time.deltaTime);

Consider watching the scripting tutorial on get component.

I would also recommend looking through any of these that seem unfamiliar. They explain each topic a little more thoroughly than the tutorial projects.