Tutorial Project: Stealth under Unity 5.x

[edit by moderator: This is a community driven thread and is not supported by Unity Technologies. That being said, it’s a great initiative, so we are sticking this in the teaching section.]

Project Link: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/stealth-tutorial-4x-only/stealth-project-overview

[edited by moderator as link was broken - note link is 4.x]

I am going through this tutorial again as I was half way through when unity 5.0.0f4 was released and wanted to just redo the first two chapters (never hurts to recover steps). However, I have encountered an issue already and figure several more will exist in future videos. So I am compiling a list here and looking for solutions to these issues.

Thank You to all contributors.

Issues —

Step 102:

Fog @ 7:49

  • no solution located.

Unity 5 removes RenderSettings from the Edit command list and appears to place many of its functions in the Lighting window (Windows → Lighting). A Fog component can be found under Scene tab of the Lighting window but it will not provide all of the described settings under one Mode. Linear Mode provides a Start and Stop field only while Exponential Mode provides a Density field only. No Mode provides all three.

Lightmapping @ 9:11

  • no solution located.

Unity 5 removes Lightmapping from the Windows command list and appears to place many of its functions in the Lighting window (Windows → Lighting). No Bake tab is available anymore and appears to have been replaced by the Scene tab. The Scene tab appears to provide many of the same functions under different names:
Mode = General GI → Directional Mode;
Quality = ???;
Bounces = Environment Lighting → Reflection Bounces;
Bounce Boost = General GI → Bounce Boost (min value of 1 not 0, so would it be 1.5 instead of the 0.5 in video);
Contrast Threshold = ???;
Interpolation = ???;
Interpolation Points = ???;
Ambient Occlusion = Baked GI → Ambient Occlusion;
Ambient Occlusion → Max Distance = Baked GI → Ambient Occlusion → Max Distance;
Ambient Occlusion → Contrast = ???;
Resolution = Baked GI → Baked Resolution;
Padding = Baked GI → Padding.


saved for chapter 2

saved for chapter 3.

saved for chapter 4.

Thanks a lot for putting together these updates, big time saver!

I have been messing around trying to get the fog to show up in the game window but no luck. besides ticking the fog box and changing the settings as instructed is there anything else that needs to be done to show the fog?

There is a warning under the fog section “unity fog does not affect opaque objects in Deferred Shading. use global fog image effect”. But I have no idea what this means.

That means you must apply the “Global Fog” effect on the camera.
After importing the effects package.
Camera->Add Component->Image Effects->Rendering->Global Fog

Does anyone have an idea as to why the player movement waits a full second before actually moving? My code follows the tutorial except where I had to change to a GetComponent for the audio source, or is nobody else having this issue?

What’s your frame rate? Is it just the player movement or does all input have a second lag?

You need to tell the animation that it doesn’t have an exit time. Click on the transition in the animator, and uncheck “Has Exit Time”


rotation works as it should. but there is a full second lag on the character actually starting to walk.

Thanks, that’s all I needed. Definitely will remember that.

I feel like I’m on the verge of bashing my head through a table! Trying to get the cctv camera animation working in Unity 5… Why for the sake of sanity are the tutorials so out of date?! Did no one think to redo them for Unity 5? Seriously, to have out of date tutorials on the main site for the newest build of the engine is liable to discourage people. I’m a patient guy and I know how to use Google, but I am fast becoming bored with constantly having to troubleshoot and search.

Rant over (until the next chapter) Can someone please talk me through getting the cctv camera to sweep left and right? I have googled it but the solutions I have come across don’t seem to produce the desired result. I have tried a few different ways of adding the “cctv_sweep” animation file. I have got as far as selecting the “prop_cctvCam_joint” and adding the rotation transform property in the Animation window, but I cannot find an option to Add Curves…

Update: I think I figured it out myself… Might not work quite how it looks in the video, but at least I can get onto the next bit now. I messed about with the Animation window, put a key frame in at 0 seconds at Y= 0, another at 2 seconds at Y=60 and another at 4 seconds back at Y=0. Seems to work…

Create 2 different states in the animator using the same animation, one playing at positive 1 and one playing at negative 1. then transition from one to the other on a loop. that’s how I did it and it works great.

Anyone know why my guy doesn’t move when he shouts? I followed the tutorial, which we know is severely out of date. he moves just fine now thanks to jyanisko. But, if he is running and I hit shout he stops moving while his legs keep running. is there a way to keep the shout animation from stopping the character from moving?

OK, I figured it out. I had more things selected on the mask than I thought. Deselected the circle below the humanoid body and the IK dots for the limbs I’m not using and it worked.

Well, we could just remove this project? This is our oldest project, and will not be updated. We have debated simply removing this project from circulation, but many people still want it available as a resource. This thread is a community driven guide to issues that could be found in this project. With hope, solutions to the main issues will be posted here. Bear in mind that we have by far the most extensive section of learning material in our learn for this field. There are volumes of other pieces of learning material on our site. If this one is proving too frustrating, perhaps you should try one of the others. Software is a constantly moving target, and as such, dome of our material will become stale, and will eventually be removed. This project is on that edge …


Thanks Adam. I still think for the most part this tutorial is still functional. I’m at the Key tutorial and aside from a few hiccups, I have everything working fine, I even updated all the shaders to standard and tweaked the levels to my own preferences for the look. I think maybe providing a link to some common issues might be helpful, but all in all the tutorial is helping me quite a bit even though it’s as old as it is.

Well, tbh, I was hoping at this thread would provide the details of common issues, discovered by the community.

Currently, I don’t have time to run and annotate this project the same way I’ve done for the projects I created. There are additional resources that I’d like to create before then, including more detailed lessons on the new graphics and lighting pipeline.

We have added Matt Schell to our roster of screen casters, and perhaps we will get a third in the future, but with our resource pool, we will be putting as much or more focus on moving forward as we are on updating and upgrading legacy projects to the new version of Unity.

I wanted to do this one because it was closest to the sort of game I want to create myself one day, I just wasn’t prepared for there to be steps that wouldn’t work in Unity 5; bearing in mind that I am completely new to Unity and I only discovered that it existed thanks to a ‘Lynda’ tutorial on modelling game assets in 3DS Max. Are there any official tutorials written for 5 in particular or is it still too recent?

OK, new issue. I got through the whole thing and the guards just walk in circles. if I remove “transform.rotation = anim.rootRotation;” from the EnemyAnimation script and also leave the NavMeshAgent updateRotation as true it seems to fix this issue. wondering if anyone knows why this is? should we not be using root rotation for this anymore?

Currently there are no tutorials explicitly for Unity 5. I am updating Roll-a-ball for Unity 5 as we speak. All of the projects, except Stealth, should have some sort of upgrade guide available on this forum. This thread should be a good repository of issues. If I get the chance, I’ll run stealth and develop a proper upgrade guide, but it’s beyond my schedule right now.

My only personal note is, you’ve chosen a large and complex project marked as “intermediate” as your first project, and this is bound to cause some headaches simply wrapping your mind around the complexity of the project and novelty of Unity itself. It might be better to run Roll-a-ball and Space Shooter first, and then complete Stealth. Then you should have a solid amount of experience in Unity that might help when running Stealth, so the only challenging tasks would be researching the upgrade changes. In order of complexity, the projects are Roll-a-ball, Space Shooter, Survival Shooter, Roguelike and finally Stealth. At this point we don’t have any truly advanced projects.

If you have more issue post here, or if this thread doesn’t work as a community resource, we’ll make an official one, and we can discuss Stealth there.