Tutorial Projects



Is it allowed to publish the work we made on the projects tutorials here, on web-sites like Itch-io or Kongregate?

People could play them, for free, of course and it would be a way to show how capable we are at using Unity. Making projects tutorials is not just about copying and pasting stuff. :wink:

I thought it was ok as long as not commercialized. At least I hope so.


As I understand it there is nothing stopping you publishing the tutorial projects commercially.

Of course, these are very limited projects that barely make a complete game. So don’t expect to get any money from them. But that’s a market limitation, not a lisence one.

Thank you!

That’s not what I want. Why do people imagine that when we want to do something it’s always, systematically, because we want to make money?

You mentioned publishing in comercial, for profit sites. So natuarally one assumes money is involved.

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No, I didn’t.

So, are there any other places where I could publish my work on the tutorials that are not devoted to commerce? I don’t want to make any money on projects that are not mine; if you know such a place, I’ll be happy to join there.

You people are sick.

Every site is about commerce, whether for you or the site. You asked why people assumed you were looking to profit, and the answer is simple, that is what those sites are for. If you aren’t looking to profit, that is cool, but that is the exception. It would be like someone buying a hat, and then getting miffed because someone assumed the were going to wear it on their head. Those sites are perfectly fine for what you want to use them for.

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I agree on making profit from my own work, not from the work of others and these tutorials are the work of others.

I presume you are just using the tutorial as a base, correct? You aren’t publishing them as publishing them as presented. There is nothing wrong with posting something like that, to show what you have done. You’ll be fine posting them in those places, plenty of people post free games and to show their work.

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Since @zombiegorilla mentioned that any site is related to commerce in some fashion, I’ll link the forum sections instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Joking aside though both Itch.io and Kongregate are excellent sites with the latter being often used for feedback.

You cannot post the games here so that people can play then, can you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Talking about the forums, somebody posted this link somewhere, I don’t remember when and where. Maybe it’s a good place too but it looks complicated: http://dev.id.net/docs/storage/

I would advise against publishing the base tutorial projects anywhere really - not unless you have heavily modified it. It’s too easy to earn a bad rep as an “asset flipper” in this industry for doing that, even free games. Share them with your friends and family or anyone you can show on your own computer or even privately on-line, but not to the general public. If you’ve heavily modified it such as replacing the all the art or adding tons of features not in the original tutorial, then by all means, share it with everyone, everywhere you can.

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An official answer would be welcome.

Official answers have been posted many times in the past. You could search for those. Or read the Eula yourself.


It has been answered. You can indeed publish them, even as is (though not recommended). Assets from unity generally are the same, though there are exceptions (Adam assets for example). For assets just check the license that comes with them.

I have and I must say that I have understood about 10% of it. A lot clearer are the licences belonging to the assets we can find on the assets store, at least.

No. You cannot host them off the forums.

If that’s your idea of complicated then you probably won’t be able to use Itch.io or similar either. They have a similar degree of complexity to the site you just mentioned. That said any perceived complexity is often overexaggerated until you’ve actually tried it. It’s quite trivial to use FTP.

You log in to your account, you create and/or change directory, you tell it to upload, and you’re basically done.

Oh… thanks for letting me know. :slight_smile: