I have used very simple 1st person stealth game for introduction to level design in Unity (Escape: Level Design Exercise in Unity | PPT; full unity project included) and now upgrading the tutorial to Unity 5.
While I am upgrading tutorial I am also extending the tutorial cover to programming the needed feature extending content bit.
Tutorial, part 1 (https://petrilankoski.wordpress.com/2015/05/07/tutorial-1st-person-sneak-in-unity-5-part-1/):
- Waypoints and defining patrol routes using Waypoints
- Using simple NavMeshAgent to follow patrol route
Tutorial, part 2 (Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 2 – Petri Lankoski):
More guard AI, guard attack and delivering damage, and so on
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Tutorial, part 3 (Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 3 – Petri Lankoski)
- Guard AI
- Very simple example of AnimationController and controlling animations from the script
- Attack and visualising attack using line renderer (aiming for feel of electrical charge)
- Texture animations
- Visualising agent state by manipulation emission (seeing player, actively searching or patrolling).
Small update to PerceptionData class presented in tutorial, part 2. So part 2 has changed.
Tutorial, part 4 (Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 4 – Petri Lankoski)
- Doors leading from a level to anoter
- Logic for spawing the player GameObject when needed and placing it to the correct position in the level
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Tutorial, part 5 (Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 5 – Petri Lankoski)
- health and energy meters using new GUI system
- Logic for receiving damage from an attack
- Logic for invisibility (maintaining invisibility consumes energy)
- Logic for regaining health and energy
Part 7 (Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 7 – Petri Lankoski)
- Force field gate
- Operated by a switch (either on/off or off and power up by timer)
- Can power off with random variation