Hi, I was going to add to an existing post on this video but it was four years old so thought it probably better to start afresh.
Basically I’m a complete novice with coding and Unity, I was following this video but when I got to the bit at 18 minutes in when he adds the controller component to the hero he gets a box down the right hand side he has different boxes within that showing the most relevant data like move force, max speed, etc.
When I do the same thing I get the same box except it doesn’t have the extra info, it only has two lines - the title and then underneath “script simple platform controller”.
So I can’t drag in the groundcheck.
Anyone know what’s gone wrong?
You could explain better, but from what I understand, maybe you didn’t set the variables as public? When you set a variable as public, it will show in the Inspector of your object. Private is the default access modifier of variables, so when you declare a variable, for example, “int lives”, it will be private by default.
If that’s the case, you might try to follow another tutorial, because it’s weird it didn’t cover access modifiers as a beginner tutorial.
Hi, I just realised I never replied to you which was rude, so I want to apologise for that and also thank you for suggesting another tutorial, as a result I found one on Udemy that was reduced from something like £150 to £15 and it seems so good, it’s really guiding me through the process. Once more: Thank you!
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