Tutorial Videos for ProBuilder 6

Hi everyone! :wave:

Since the official Unity videos aren’t updated for ProBuilder 6 yet, I’ve decided to zoom through a weekend and make ’em all myself – to a less perfect standard, but useful for sure!

To keep things simple and easily referenced, I broke things down into basic concepts, then made a video section for each.

Please keep in mind, these are very much unofficial, probably a few mistakes, entirely my own opinions/etc as I ramble through the videos. But I do hope they help!

Quick Start

Creating Shapes

Basic Editing

Advanced Editing

Vertex Coloring

Materials and Texturing

Let me know if you’d like any other specific videos, I’ll see what I can do! Happy Level Building!


Hello Gabriel, thank you for these videos!

I’m very new to ProBuilder and read that it can be used to create more optimized mesh colliders?
I’ve been trying to find tutorials on this with no luck so far.

I have custom level geometry from an asset pack that I’m trying to fix the collision for. In particular, I have a stair prefab composed of a few meshes with steps that I’m working on right now. I was originally going to add box colliders to each step, but figured I’d look into ProBuilder if it could generate something better for me.

Any help would be appreciated!

I think probuilder suffers from just not being intuitive enough and lacking the kind of polish that exits in Maya and well to lesser extent Blender especially a bunch of addons… etc, it does serve as basics but really there should be this working already…

It’s been outdated for ages Blender is 4.2lts now… stuff like this actually helps blocking shapes in Unity matching scene and other objects and being able to just work on the scene in Blender without all the faffing about with silly import exporting nonsense and getting that right.