Tutorials and hands-on guides for ProBuilder's scripting API

Are there any detailed tutorials and step-by-step guides showing how to use ProBuilder’s scripting API?
The overview page in the documentation is very minimal (the code in “modify a mesh” also doesn’t work for me) About the ProBuilder Scripting API | Package Manager UI website
and some of the examples in the package don’t have any comments explaining what the code is doing (e.g. Runtime Editing).

It would be great to have some nice hands-on guides for the API.

It sounds like you’ve already found the Scripting Reference and Samples, which would be what I would have pointed you towards.

This is probably the easiest example to get started with: com.unity.probuilder/Samples~/Runtime/Procedural Mesh/ExtrudeRandomEdges.cs at master · Unity-Technologies/com.unity.probuilder · GitHub

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I had a look at the code samples already. The example that’s most relevant to what I’m trying to do is Runtime Editing (com.unity.probuilder/Samples~/Runtime/Runtime Editing at master · Unity-Technologies/com.unity.probuilder · GitHub), but unfortunately the scripts there don’t have a lot of comments.

But more than comments in code, I was looking for web tutorials. It’d be great if you’d consider creating some, like you did for the editor tools.