I am brain storming an idea for a game that is loosely based off of Geometry Dash. I’m not exactly sure where to start with it so I decided I should try and get the hard part out of the way and make an in game editor. This editor will feature 2D and 3D elements in it, and I know for a fact that does not exist; But is there any up to date tutorials for the kind of editor that Geometry Dash has?
Why are you asking for something you know for a fact doesn’t exist?
Anyway, making an editor is not usually much more complicated than making the game itself. Since the data structures and such has to be in place anyway for the game to work. It just takes a lot of time and involves a bunch of UI programming.
Just start by thinking about the internal structure of your code. When you know how you will store things you can start making a UI for placing things. When you have a UI and the internal structure ready it’s probably not so difficult for you to make functions for placing objects, and so on.
Now I don’t know Geometry Dash so who knows its editor might do something very advanced. But probably not.
Well this isn’t any help to me. I’m basically new to unity, i’ve made a small game and messed around with some other ideas and they’ve gotten me nowhere in regard to bigger, more advanced games. I could make hundreds of small games and still have no idea how to do what I want to do.
The key is to break down your problem into smaller problems. You won’t likely find a tutorial on how to make an editor because it’s a big task and specific for every game. My point is to say that you’re basically asking to be spoonfed exactly what you need to know to accomplish something very large in scope and complex. That won’t really work. You have to ask more specific questions about much smaller parts of the problem.
When you get more experienced with programming you’ll become better at figuring out how to divide your idea into smaller solvable problems so I don’t think it’s true when you say smaller projects won’t get you anywhere. You always learn something as long as you solve new problems.
An editor is just a tool to populate your game with objects. Before you can make an editor you need to figure out how you will represent your objects, what attributes they need and so on.
If you have no clue on how to make an editor then you need to start by thinking about what an editor contains, what functionality it involves, so that you can start asking the more specific questions which are more limited in scope. Then you are much more likely to get the answers you need.