This is not the first time I experience an issue when hand bone suddenly twist one or more times when I convert character into "humanoid rig. This is happens in time when in 3D MAX (my original files) and other Mecanim rig types (legacy and general) the issue doesn’t exist.
Please take a look on two videos bellow. First shows humanoid with issue. Second show same animation in generic without the issue.
Until this time I fixed all in MAX by changing hand position and making animation less accurate usually.
But this time the issue related to many of my assets and I need to work much time to fix and re-upload.
I am sure this issue somehow related to Mecanim internal mechanic.
Did someone meet such problem and find appropriate solution? Not to afflict original animation I mean.
Maybe, what you should do, is look at the animation, in Unity, and inspect it’s keyframes. It might be a result of optimization options in the FBX exporter, or some optimization in Unity. Keyframing all the bones in every frame will likely fix your issues, but it will add lots of data to your fbx file.
Thank yo medhue. These options I already considered. I always bake animations before export. So have key per bone frame. I played with animation optimization settings in Unity with no result in this case. ;(
Something works wrong in “humanoid” mode in Mecanim.
Since 4.5 we did a lot of improvement on this side.
We did a test in 5.0 and with the new algo it work.
Unfortunately there is no workaround in 4.3 for you.
I don’t know if it possible for you but you could update to 4.5 and see if your issue is fixed?
Best regards
I know it was stated this is a bug, but I wonder if adjusting the rotation limits on the limbs - in the per muscle settings could be a temporary work around?
Unfortunately no, in fact it would be worse because it would widen the range of motion for this muscle.
One thing that could help is to split your take of 6400 frame into different take or different file for each animation.
Try to split in your authoring tools your problematic animation clip like from 2612 to 2652.
We do have a special algo that try to minimize bone twist like that when we do import a clip. The algo try to find the minimum value for each muscle and start to unroll the muscle from this value. Since the clip is really long, 6400 frame, the range of motion for each muscle is really wide.
The algo perform better on short clip than on long clip.