Twitter & Other Social Media

username= kidtech (dunno why…)

i try to use it often.

Yo Jashan, thanks for following!!!

Wow, cool … since it became kind of difficult to actually follow all the people I’m following, I set up Thunderbird to fetch the tweets via RSS and created a couple of different groups. One, of course, is “Unity” - and I’ve got 13 Unity-twitterers in there.

That’s cool! :slight_smile:

never really figured out what the twitter-hype was all about, but nonetheless I made an account a couple of weeks ago:

:slight_smile: still havent really found out whats the point though

Well I’ve jumped on the twitter band-wagon too…

found out today that my phone can’t receive updates but I can send them out… but rubbish… but meh… yet another website to procrastinate with :smile:

Ok, I’m officially one of the sheeple as well:

HiggyB on Twitter

I post on twitter almost everyday and alot of the time it something to do with Unity.
follow me here:

We’ve gont one, but I do find it hard to twit everyday, I find it hard enough trying to contribute to this forum :sweat_smile: so many games to make :wink:

Sheeple number 1 million and 2. Here comes the flood of juicy Unity Technologies tidbits… like what we had for lunch today… most likely fish, chicken, and some sort of Danish mystery salad :wink:


That’s a hilarious statement because it’s true! :lol:

Beets, orange rinds, black olives, raisins, feta cheese, and just for fun let’s throw some sesame seeds on top of that over a bed of couscous :wink:

Maybe my palette needs to evolve a little bit more to truly appreciate this fine Danish cuisine :wink:

mmm, liverwurst patty with mushrooms… drool

Is it still from the same place? I was mostly impressed by the variety of food. (and now this thread has become about eating habits in Unity HQ… the mention of Twitter alone causes conversation to break down even in other places.

Yeah, some people even start treating blog-comments chat.

Um, sorry “blog-comments >>like<< chat” (with some it’s even so bad they forget they could edit while they’re still writing a posting).

I’m absolutely super-certain that Twitter is going to ruin the world. See also:
Social websites harm children’s brains: Chilling warning to parents from top neuroscientist


… guess my brains are already fried - my max attention span is about 30 seconds now [checks last 200 new tweets “real quick”]. Um, what was I talking about??? But anyways, I’ll integrate Twitter into my game to do something really useful with it, hehe (actually, my plans are more integrating my game into Twitter but that’s a secret, so don’t talk about it) :wink:

ByDesign Games on Twitter

“Hi, how are you?”

Haha, that’s cool … sheep-tweet :wink:

Meeehehehe :wink:

Adding myself to the list of Unity twitter people. :slight_smile:
Random tweets on whatever is happening, web development, game development, etc:


A first message on this forum. :slight_smile: Hopefully a lot more will follow. Just started Unity development recently, but I plan to do a lot of developing the coming time.

Here’s my twitter:



Welcome aboard then! :smile:

I use it all the time. - some random babble about unity sometimes. Usually just after i realise what an idiot after tracking a bug for four hours to find out it was a typo.