Two agents with different strategies are trained to confront each other

Like hide-and-seek,if i want to train seeker to find the hider as soon as possible and at the same time ,train the hider to aviod being found. How i can do? in Unity, can i put to tow agent components onto different agents?

look at striker vs goalie demo but yes, you can define multiple behaviours in the same yaml file

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Thanks, when i learn the demo, I have a question and not found solution. about self-paly,there are two network: striker and goalie. If i want train striker first what should i do?

you mean train it without the goalkeepers?
you can use new yaml files to train from so they don’t both need to be in the same file unless you want to train them at the same time.

I mean joining is the hide-and-seek problem, where there are two brains in the scene, the hideer and seeker strategies. The two were trained alternately with self-play, but at first I wanted to train the seeker first.
If I use two YAML files and train the two alternately, I have to manually train the two training exchanges, don’t I?

i think i understand, you want the hider to not be able to move at first while the seeker gets the basic idea?
i would train both and use lessons or some other form of control to make it so that the seeker has more limited behaviour while the seeker is still learning, then once the seeker knows what he is meant to be doing you can allow the hider to be more proactive.