Two audio listeners - when loading a level

I have created a level, where the playable character walks up to the door, and on pressing e, the script will load a different level (in this instance a different part of the house).

I have now put the PC I copied from the previous level and placed it into the new one. When I try to run the new level, I get the message “two audio listeners” I assume this is becasue of my playable character being instanced again. I have tried to find a way to un-load the previous level, but there does not seem to be one. Are there any other suggestions?

All things from the previous level will be unloaded unless you specifically called DontDestroyOnLoad on it. So you must have 2 listeners in the new scene - check which of your game objects have an Audio Listener attached - perhaps a prefab you instantiate? Do you already have a PC in the new scene perhaps…

ah excellent. Stupid ol’ me. I still had the main camera which comes with every new scene. That is now gone, and working without any problems. thank you.