Two-bone IK with twist correction?

I’ve set up Two-bone IK, and that works fine:


I’ve also independently set up Twist Correction, since basic rotation of the hand looks bad if it doesn’t also apply some rotation to the forearm:


However, if both of these are enabled at the same time, I get garbage results:

Is it possible to correct bad hand twist behavior using Twist Correction on bones that are part of an IK system? So far it seems I either need to choose between convenient IK, or good looking twist behavior.

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This might be your rig order. The Twist rig should come after the IK rig, or if it’s one rig then the hierarchy of the constraints needs to be changed to match the same setup.

I’ve tried it in various ways, with IK before Twist, and vice versa, everything in one rig, the two constraints in separate rigs, but the results are the same in each case. I’ll keep testing to see if there’s something off about my approach.

It seems the issue is probably that 2-bone IK already does some twist correction. Looking at this more closely, rotating the hand also applies what looks like 50% of that rotation to the forearm. So, my bad setup resulted in two constraints trying to do twist correction, more or less.

The downside fo 2-bone IK’s correction is that it doesn’t allow for other bones to be included. I have an additional “twist” bone on my rig that I’d like to be able to manipulate along with the forearm’s twist. But maybe I can fuse 2-bone IK together with Twist Correction and make a custom constraint that sort of does both things.

They shouldn’t override each other, they should work together. If you take a look at the Ninja character sample they made you can see a proper setup and it working correctly.

If you don’t want to look at the whole project you can check out the PDF included on how to set up a full rig

The twist bone setup is at the end if you want to just skip to that. It’s under Setting Up the Deform Rig

Cool. I’ll take a look at the demo and see what I’m doing wrong in my project.

I downloaded the project and took a look at what they were doing. They indeed have both 2-bone IK along with Twist Correction on each of the ninja’s limbs. However (and here’s where I messed up) their Twist Correction only modifies “Twist” bones, rather than the standard rig bones.

“Twist” bones are new to me. They don’t cause the bone to rotation, they just move the mesh around to improve how things look when nearby bones rotate. In my case, I was trying to IK and Twist the exact same bone, while in this demo the IK and Twist affect different bones.

So, for now, I’ll continue to assume that I shouldn’t be using Twist Correction on the same bones that are being moved by IK, but I can use it on the 'twist" bones in my model. Not all models have twist bones, though. It’s something the 3D artist would need to build into it.


Yea, twits bones are something that needs to be added before you can utilize them. Most people don’t rig with them but they are needed in order to get a somewhat realistic rotation for limbs and other organic models (rigged) and not using muscle deforms etc for High-quality cinematic rigs.


What are twist bones do we have to add them while rigging in animation software or we can add them in unity like game objects

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