Two moving objects collision

I have my character and two foes. Foes are moving to the character, but sometimes they can collide each other. Both foes have triggered BoxColliders and both of them are moving via Translate method on every Update function invocation.

I’m wondering if there’s a way, that Unity will handle collisions instead of me and I will not need to handle them manually (i.e. calculate the next frame direction for each foe after collision).

I don’t need any physics - they shouldn’t push each other. Just move in parallel in case of collision - this would be pretty enough.

I created maincharacter and I move it with Transalte function and it collides with box colliders on my level. But it doesn’t collide with foes, which also have box colliders and I have no idea why.

So the problems are:

  1. two foes just “penetrate” through each other
  2. main character, which collides with static box colliders doesn’t collide with foes as well.

Sorry for my poor English. If something is not clear - please let me know, I’ll try to rephrase it.

In your case, Unity couldn’t possibly know what you want them to do after a collision without some guidance in the form of scripting.

That’s sounds weird for me. Ok, did you see any examples of such objects behavior?

Thanks for answering!

UPDATED: I mean some examples of scripts, which would help me to achieve desired behavior.