Two objects have same coordinates but do not touch

I want my enemy to collide with my player, but the enemy thinks it is in the same position as the player when it is not. I have attached a screenshot of the game and the enemy’s movement script. Any help with this issue would be great. Sorry if this isn’t adequate information. This is my first post to this forum.


    public float SpeedCorrector = 1f;
    float WonderRope = 0;
    public Rigidbody2D Player;

    Vector2 Narnia; //actual place going

    float[] Jemerny = new float[4]; //actual box thing-a-ma-jig

    public float moveSpeed = 10f;
    float zoomies = 5f;

    public Rigidbody2D rb;

    public int BoxBig = 100;//cage size indicator
    Vector2 movement;

    bool Clippy = false;//is supposed to check if the gonglos are on a quest or not
    float stopTime = 0f; // Timer for stopping movement
    public float stopDuration = 5f; // Duration to stop after collision
    public float minDistance = 20f; // Minimum distance for random destination
    Vector2 confusion;
    void Start()
        // this is the cage for gonglos, i think it goes here????
        Jemerny[0] = rb.position.y + BoxBig; //Top
        Jemerny[1] = rb.position.x + BoxBig;//right
        Jemerny[2] = rb.position.y - BoxBig;//bottom
        Jemerny[3] = rb.position.x - BoxBig;//left
        zoomies = moveSpeed/2;


    void FixedUpdate() 
        WonderRope = Math.Abs(Player.position.x - rb.position.x) + Math.Abs(Player.position.y - rb.position.y);
        if (stopTime > 0)
            stopTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; // Decrease the stop timer
            if (WonderRope >= 500)
                return; // Exit early if we're in stop mode

        //this determines his objective before he tries going anywhere
        if (!Clippy)
            Narnia = SetRandomDestination();
            movement = (Narnia - rb.position);
            Clippy = true;
        if (WonderRope < 500)
            Narnia = Player.position;
            movement = (Narnia - rb.position);
            Clippy = false;
            rb.MovePosition(rb.position + movement * moveSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
            rb.MovePosition(rb.position + movement * zoomies * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
        // Check if the enemy is close to the target position
        if (Vector2.Distance(rb.position, Narnia) < 0.1f) // Use a small threshold
            Clippy = false; // Reset the flag to move again
            stopTime = stopDuration/2;
        Debug.Log($"Enemy position: {rb.position}, Enemy Target Position: {Narnia}, Enemy Movement: {movement}, Distance to Player: {WonderRope}");
    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        Debug.Log($"colliding with: {collision.gameObject.tag}");
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "player")
            stopTime = stopDuration; // Start the stop timer
    public Vector2 SetRandomDestination()

            confusion.x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Jemerny[3], Jemerny[1]);
            confusion.y = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Jemerny[2], Jemerny[0]);
        }   while (Vector2.Distance(rb.position, confusion) < minDistance); // Ensure it's far enough
        return confusion;// Set the new destination

The slime child object is probably offset from the parent enemy object. Select the slime object in the editor and set its position to zero.