Two separate ParticleSystems render on the same positions

I was testing my game on 5.4 and noticed my “confetti” particles were looking off. When investigating I noticed that the both systems are there, they just render each particle on the same position, like paired, even though the systems are separate. They have similar properties but they’re not identical, and previously they would both render separately, appearing randomized. Now the particles are stuck together which looks really weird.

I created a repro and submitted bug: case 782232.

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known regression: instances of a shuriken now share seed for some reason

Yep, that’s what I though too. I was actually looking around if there was an option to set the seed from the inspector, but I guess not. Maybe through API. Anyway, it should be fixed nonetheless.

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Until it’s fixed, the UT guys gave me this workaround

Particle.randomSeed = (uint)Random.Range(0,10000);
Particle.Simulate(0, true, true);

All shades of wrong.

I have the same Problem, all particles look strange with the beta.

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We’re still seeing this in B13. Any chance of a fix soon?

file a bug and report the # in this thread

I already did, and it was confirmed. I don’t think it’s needed to file duplicates.