Typhoon Labs "Shader Designer"

Typhoon Labs have released a Linux version and source code to their “Shader Designer”:


I case you aren’t familliar with this tool, it’s one of the few free apps that you can use to design GLSL shaders with. It wasn’t available for a while, but Typhoon has a new site and have released Windows/Linux binaries and source.

Looks cool. Can you do a lot without scripting?

Hopefully that Linux source code will become a Mac version.

I started experimenting with it a while back (some months ago), but from what I recall, no. It’s mostly an “interactive” shader editor, you write the code and it displays the result.

That’s what I’m hoping also. The other issue, for Unity, is that Unity doesn’t support GLSL (yet).

Although there are a number of free shader tools, none (that I know of) are for “non-programmers”. Hopefully this will change in the near future.