U3.1.0.f4 output issue

string result = String.Empty;
void OnGUI()
        result = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, 0, Screen.width / 2, Screen.height), showValues);


void displayValues()
        foreach (data itm in _GameItems)
            showValues += "ID: " + itm.ID.ToString() + "\tlevelname: " + itm.levelname.ToString() + "\tName: " +
                itm.Name.ToString() + "\tobjectType: " + itm.objectType.ToString() +
                "\tposx: " + itm.posx.ToString() + "\tposy: " + itm.posy.ToString() + "\tposz: " + itm.posz.ToString() +
                "\ttranx: " + itm.tranx.ToString() + "\ttrany: " + itm.trany.ToString() + "\ttranz: " + itm.tranz.ToString() + "\n";

Can anyone explain this output result to me?

Very mysterious… I’ve no idea how the Save and Load buttons got there when there are no GUI.Button calls in the script.

No, I guess you are referring to the missing letters in the text, although I can’t explain that either. It’s not easy to tell from the small excerpt what might be causing this, but if you’ve got a project that consistently reproduces this then we’d be glad to see it (menu: Help > Report A Bug).

You have the project already, it is the same project for the MySQL bug that I reported a long while back that hasn’t been touched. This only happens in a deployed program, not in the editor. So in the Editor it is fine, when deployed, the text disappears. I will submit the same project again with a different bug description, but the last one was submitted either last month or the month prior.

Submitted a new bug report but the system hasn’t sent me a ticket number yet, odd…

Still no ticket for the bug report yet…

Well, I used an old link to get to my tickets and the ticket is not created, I think I have reached yet another limit to the system with the most amount of bug reports it will hold for a single person. Do I need to start with a brand new email address and start tickets with it instead now that my queue is full and won’t hold any more?

Do you still have a case number for the original project with the error? If so, please send an e-mail to support@unity3d.com stating that the project displays another bug. Alternatively, send me a PM and I’ll pass the information on to the QA team.