U3: Interactive cloth attachment -explodes-?

I’m experimenting with the new interactive cloth and have run into a behavior that seems a bit odd to me. I have a mesh collider that the cloth is attached to and used the default cloth mesh. I’m using a separate collider / rigid body driven by the user to tear the cloth. When I set attachment/tear to true and the cloth tears away from the attached collider, an explosive force results throwing my user’s object out of view. So is this explosive force intentional behavior? If so, in the future will there be a setting to adjust this? Attached is a view of my inspector settings.

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Try upping the damping?

Sounds like a Kool effect to me though :smile:

Tried that, damping effects all movement of the cloth. Doesn’t look like there are any other options though.

@BigKahuna: is there any chance you can post a package containing the scene where this problem occurs?

Yup, I’ll try to send something off in the next day or two.

I see what was going on. The “explosion” was really the “attachment response” factor. I didn’t understand what that setting does, but that was surely the cause for what I was seeing.

Man setting up hair for Reiji and Yuka SURIYUN’s characters are a killer lol. Either they float way, or explode, etc.

Came across this post searching for exploding hair xD