U3: Tree Editor - textures always glossy?

I may be missing something, but my trees always look glossy or specular, like the screenshot attached. This affects both branches and leaves.
Needless to say, the materials I use are not like this, and look ok in the preview.

Anyone figured this out?

Maybe the settings on the texture you are using?

You should be using the Tree Editor Leaf and Tree Editor Bark Materials for your trees. Each one of these have a slot for a “Gloss map” where the alpha channel will control the gloss/specular strength.

Yes, I know.

I am using the Tree Editor materials. the “gloss map” slot is empty. However, I have also tried putting a black, a white, and a transparent texture there. No difference.

In the material preview, it looks perfectly good (i.e matte). Only after applying it to the tree does it give the above result.

Have you found a solution this?
I just this minute started seeing it here while investigating shrinking foliage when entering play mode.

The same material on four different trees work fine except this one has gone crazy with specularity.

No solution so far.

The foliage also seems to be buggy, I’ve posted another thread about that.

I drug the non-specularized bark material from another tree mesh into the affected folder and it corrected the bark, but trying to do the same with the leaf material produced no results. After trying to delete the messed up leaf material and getting no deletion Unity eventually asked to fix the material and that did fix it. Now I’m back to the original problem of having lush foliage in the Editor view and shrunken little leaves in the game mode. And it seems to be a problem only on this tree out of four. But, not until today. A few days ago it was fine.