UA 2008: Official Forum Favorite voting!

Voting has long since ended y’all! You can view the final results at the following URL:
Unity Blog

Here it is, the official Forum Favorite voting thread for the Unity Awards 2008. Everyone, please take a moment to play all the UA 2008 games and vote on your favorite using the built-in poll. The winner of this poll will be awarded with the the Forum Favorite prize during the awards presentation at Unite 2008!

Voting ends in 1 week, so get your votes in as soon as humanly possible.

And the entries (in alphabetical order) are…

Edit: Added Outpost, Banzai Ball, Hordes of Orcs, Off-Road Velociraptor Safari, and Jetpack Brontosaurus to the list. They all appear at the bottom of the poll.

AXE - Billions
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AXE - Dark Temptation
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Banzai Ball
Play it! (Mac OS)
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Beijing Conspiration
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Chicken Target
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Circuit Defenders
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Colony Defender
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Downhill Bowling
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Play it! (Mac OS)
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Flip Sorter
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Hordes of Orcs
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Play it! (Intel Mac OS)
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Jetpack Brontosaurus
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Laka Game Show
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Lander Commander
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Lies and Seductions
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Mars Explorer
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Play it! (Mac OS)
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Off-Road Velociraptor Safari
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Pirates n Dragons
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Project Cloudwitch
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Play it! (Mac OS)
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Sperm Racer
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Super Splashdown
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Super Volei Brasil
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Tag Ball
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Traces of Illumination
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Turret Master
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Turtle Trap
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Vimto Jetski
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Widget TD
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Just for clarification:

We opted to only include the Unity Awards entries that had already opted to share their games publicly on the forum. If you submitted your game privately and do want your game to be played by the forum and voted upon, please fire an email to and we’ll add your entry to this poll.

What are the rules regarding who can vote?

Personally, I think voting should be limited to only Unity developers - and not the public at large - as allowing anyone with a computer to vote could give a tremendous bias to games with the largest marketing department (and therefore fan base).

Perhaps only votes from people with more than three forum posts - and who had been registered for over a month - should count?

If a rule like this was instituted, it might be a good idea to clean out illegitimate votes at least once a day to make sure that the poll results are not artificially skewed during the voting - which might cause those of us interested in game theory / tactical voting to choose differently than we we were planning to do.

phew finally got through the list. Impressive host! :smile:

Yup. The sheer number of entries is bound to spread the vote out quite a bit.

Voting is limited to forum users only. No, that doesn’t stop someone from signing up and voting right away, but other than that it’s difficult to limit or tedious to process. This is the “forum favorite” category so view 'em and vote! :slight_smile:

There are 3-4 entries that I just can’t decide on. In my mind they all deserve a vote equally. This is a really tough decision!

So would it be considered “in good taste” for developers to post a notice about this poll on their sites, and give all their game’s fans a chance to vote?

Just wondering… :slight_smile:

Oh - and if this forum has a Mysql backend, I don’t think it would be too hard to compose a multi-table query that would make processing votes however you chose to a cinch, if you wanted to go that route.

May the best game win!

I thought about the voting principle, and that came to my mind

Your vote marks the entry which you like, so with the way the poll is made (radio buttons) it implies that you don’t like the others. (true or false decision)

I wondered if it would be possible to give a more distributed vote using points or you provide a ranking for your three best entries.

Either way the first place would be more consolidated and you won’t have to decide in a black/white manner, IMO.

In my situation and one above, I liked more than one entry, but can’t decide on which I want vote, since it is that terminal.


Just like Ranked Choice Voting! I think this might be a bit of work to implement.

Your vote doesn’t mark the one you like, it marks the one you think should have the Forum Favorite vote. You can like them all (and it is quite an accomplishment for everyone to have entered a game) but since there will be only one winner, a selection of a single entry doesn’t seem counter to this.

Everyone should be proud of themselves just for getting an entry together – and there are some really good games here. It is a tough vote for sure.

I might state the obvious, but with so few votes the whole ‘forum favorite’ voting formula seems flawed. A studio with half a dozen people will automatically be in the leading pack while a one man game will scramble to get votes. Not to mention the potential fake account issue.

There is no perfect solution, but one way that could be interesting next time is to limit the voting to developers who are submitting a game (register at the start) and not allow those developers to vote for their own games, but pick their favorite from the other submissions. :slight_smile:

Is it ethical if I get a bunch of my friends who like my game to make accounts and vote for it?

Theoretical, I didnt submit a game

As a general rule, if you ever have to ask if a course of action is ethical, you probably already know the answer.

As for the number of votes, perhaps we need a forum “get out the vote” effort to help ensure that we have enough representation to make this fair.

Voting goes on for a bit still. If the vote count is low that is not necessarily a sign of a flawed system, it’s a sign of an inactive (in the sense of voting on this topic) body of users. It’s perfectly valid to simply vote for the one you want to win. And in doing that you’re not saying you don’t like the other content, it’s just that you didn’t like them as much as the one you voted for as winner.

My question still stands though:

Is it “in good taste” / ethical to let all your game’s players know about this poll?

Provided that you instruct them to vote objectively and don’t give them incentive to vote for your game above any of the others, I see nothing wrong with this.

The reason I want to make sure this isn’t frowned upon is that thus far there are so few votes that adding too many voters who are well versed in the gameplay, strategy, and “how to have fun” factor for any of the fairly popular games on this list would swamp the whole poll.

A “get out the vote” effort would be great! What ideas can everyone come up with?

I do…this is supposed to be a “forum favorite” vote. Not a “general public” vote. Having a bunch of random people register with this forum for the sole purpose of voting in this poll isn’t at all within the spirit of the thing IMO.


agreed 100%.

also, i think you will see the votes grow before too long. i’ve been so busy i haven’t been able to make it through the whole list yet and i want to give all the games a good look before i decide.

such a great and varied group of entries - its gonna be a tough vote for me ; )

Fantastic turn-out!
Best of luck everyone! :slight_smile:

We’re pretty sure that we got 8 invalid votes for Outpost. They all came at the same time and probably from a new user called number1…number8. Please delete these (attention Sam Kalman). We should probably have 3 votes.