Hi Community my new build for the competition

Unleash The Dragon its in the Game find it…

Press The Pink button to Hatch the Egg
and the light pink to call the dragon and the dark to send him back home.

currently working on Enemy Ai and collision detection look out for the new build

Web version

Avast! It be ne’er possible to… oh whatever, I’ll give up on the pirate speak.

I can’t steer the ship. It is really hard.

The sets are really cool and I love the trees. Still, that ship could really use a rudder, and while I liked the way the ship can interact with the environment, I couldn’t really figure out what I was supposed to do - can I get off of the ship and climb around on the buildings?

Are me heartys!

land lubbers! no sea legs that be the problem

will be working on the ship control your not the first to mention its a little hard.

however i have no problem! but im a proper sea captain me.

at the moment you cant get of the ship and walk around but i do intend to have another veichal in there at some point

and by the way it is possible to find that there dragon not that hard i promice

I kinda liked the controls. They add a unique sense of style when you get the hang of them.

Couldn’t find that egg though. Found something grey and egg-like in the center of the map, but it didn’t respond to any amount of clicking (and no pink buttons were around it).

I’ll try again a bit later.

Hi scatterbrain go in the room at the far end push the buffer lever and then see what happens

Glad you like the controls

One of the thoughts I had for making it a little hard to control the ship was the idea of learning to control the ship and not giving it away on a plate but its about getting the balance right so if i get more favourable responces with the controls will not tamper with it to much

buttons are activated when you have performed various tasks in the correct order

Nice! Found It.
Though without your help, I don’t think I would have.

I got the three locks (??) to come up. But not anything after that.

Oh, and only girls can see different shades of pink. :slight_smile:

Set looks great and Tree’s I really like.

The controls took a couple of minutes to get used to, until I acepted it is a sail boat not a car… the controls work as they really should… you have to keep “trimming” sails.

I went down to the far end and sailed right through the staircase and through the building.

cheers for the feedback glad you like the controls