Well, we finally finished our first game with unity and our entry for the Unity Awards; CubeShooter Arcade. It’s a wave defense shooter in which the player must defend against 25 waves of enemies using any of 18 different weapons (which can be purchased with in-game money earned by defeating enemies). You gain points by killing enemies in quick succession (theres a multiplier) and you get a bonus based on how much time you had left when you finished, and you can submit your score to our leaderboards to compare against other players.
18 weapons, 12 based on real-world weapons and 6 special weapons such as decoys and smoke grenades.
sprint function
ironsights and scoped aiming
Online Leaderboards (please submit your scores)
25 waves of enemies
6 basic enemy types (with 15 variations)
Enemy AI - patrols/seeks player
in-game weapons store to unlock new weapons
(note: I’m only in highschool and this is my first real unity project, so please be nice, and thanks to .tom. for the skybox. Also, input on the new website would be much appreciated)[/url]
your game is really cool. (Well maybe look for another and more sound 8) )
It would be awesome if you could provide the script :roll:
Maybe you should also add an GUI-button to exit the game?
All the best from Vienna,
Update - Our entry is complete!
added start screen/menu, music, new enemies, rebalanced final waves, fixed bug that made MP5 silent, some slight graphics tweaks, and new death effects (heartbeat sound, slower music and time slowdown when under 10 health)
We’re glad you like the FPS package! We actually have just released a spawner package with a nice custom editor and a ton of features You can find it here: